These are quick beer money sites/apps that take very little effort. The links are referral links, so I would appreciate it if you signed up through them! These sites and apps are completely free to sign up for! Don’t expect to make a lot from these sites, but they are quick ways to make extra cash, and combining these sites and apps together can add up fairly decently over time.

Here I’m showing some of the sites and apps I use to make money online. I’ll continue to update this blog as I find more sites and apps that I feel are worth your time. All of the sites listed will offer a PayPal cashout or cryptocurrency payouts. The exception is Pinecone Research, which offers bank transfers instead. (Edit: Pinecone plans to add PayPal to their website soon.)
Site one: Pinecone Research

This site is by far one of my favorites. When you sign up, you’ll receive surveys sent to you via email. These surveys are generally product reviews and take 10–15 minutes. They pay a minimum of 3 dollars per survey (300 points), and you can cash out right away either by buying items with your points or through bank transfers. Sometimes they will give you the option to have products sent to your house for paid reviews. Sign up here! Pinecone research join!
Site two: Paidviewpoint.

Paidviewpoint is one of the highest-rated survey sites on the survey police website. What makes them good is that there are no disqualifications on this site. You’ll get lots of quick 10-question surveys that will pay 10 cents. Often, you’ll get longer surveys that pay more. The catch is that you can only expect a few of them a day, but it all adds up. You can cash out using PayPal. The first cashout threshold is $15, then it drops to $10, and eventually it will be $5 to cash out. There are no disqualifications, so it is very easy and rewarding.. Paidviewpoint Sign up
Site three: Clickworker.

Clickworker is a micro-tasking site that allows you to complete micro-tasking jobs such as comparing search engines, rating audio files by clarity, and working with programs that artificial intelligence is not yet able to do. Your earnings can average greatly on this site. You can earn around 5–15 dollars an hour. Earnings will largely vary on this site, and tasks won’t always be available. Some of the work does take some time to learn, but it is free to sign up, and you can work whenever you want.
Site four: Usertesting.

Usertesting is a site that pays 10$ for a 10-15 minute test that involves them recording your voice and screen and navigating your way through websites while verbally giving your opinion.
Usertesting get paid to test
Site Five: Validately.

This site is very similar to Usertesting. You will be testing new websites and apps while giving your opinion. Get paid to test with Validately
Site Five: Serpclix.

You will be given a search term to enter into Google and will scroll to find the website that you are supposed to click on. The website will be highlighted in red, so don’t worry, you won’t miss it, and you can earn 10 cents per task. Sign up here.
Site seven: 25clicks

This platform works similar to Serpclix; it pays you 50 cents per click and sometimes involves writing a short sentence about the website. payment made every Friday to your PayPal. This can be done from your phone, too.. Sign up for 25clicks

Site eight: Be Forthright surveys These surveys are sent by email or text and you will earn at least 1$ per survey (usually more) you can cashout instantly however if you have under 10$ in your account balance you will have to take a 25-cent fee to cashout to PayPal. Signup here
These apps that I use are very good for making quick cash.
App one: Big Token.
This is my all-time favorite app. They are amazing at how much they pay for little effort. They offer daily bonuses for participating in the app, and they offer pay per question and surveys that are very short. The surveys and questions pay a few cents, but the surveys are only a few questions long and can be completed in a minute or less. You can rack up points quickly with this app, and you can cash out at 15$ through PayPal. (Big Token app no longer seems to be working anymore 🙁 sorry)
App Two: Voxpopme. (Now called Influence app)

This app is so much fun and easy to make money with. They pay you to film yourself answering a question for 15 seconds. They pay 50 cents to a dollar per video.. Voxpopme
App Three: Qbit.

Similar to Voxpopme, except you don’t have to take a video of yourself; you just record your voice while giving your opinion on products. Appstore link Google Playstore link
App four: 1Q:

This app can be awesome at times. Don’t expect to get hit up often with this app, but it can pay very well for your time. You can expect to earn 0.25 cents for answering just one question. Often times, for me, I get surveys that are super short and can pay 1-4 dollars. You have to be quick with this app because the questions can expire quickly. The money gets sent straight to your PayPal account immediately after completing a task. MAKE SURE you sign up with the same email as your PayPal email address to receive payments!!! Otherwise, it won’t get sent to your PayPal and will stay stuck in the app.
App Five: Streetbees:

This app will allow you to get paid to share your day-to-day life habits, such as what you like to eat and what hobbies you enjoy. Street bees Use my referral code, 4406NW 🙂
App Six: Surveys on the Go:

This is an app that will send you surveys throughout the day. What makes these surveys interesting is that they can pay very well and will pay you 10 cents if you disqualify. Surveys on the go
App Seven: Google opinion rewards:

This app will send you super short surveys that pay between 10 cents and a dollar. You can only cash out with PayPal at $2 on iOS; if you are on Android, you can only get Google Play Cards. Google opinion rewards
App Eight: one pulse.

(Similar to bigtoken) My new all-time favorite app! You will rank up over time and earn more money for each pulse. You start at 7 cents per pulse where you take surveys that take no longer than 30 seconds to complete. lots of the time they are even shorter than that. you can get reach up to level 34 (the highest level) which earns you 40 cents per pulse. the app is like picking up multiple quarters throughout the day!!! it’s that simple!!!! Available on google play or the app store
Fast cashout sites/apps
These sites are some of your basic survey sites but they have instant cashouts with very low cashout requirements that is sent immediately to your PayPal. Not the highest earners but come good in a pinch.
Site/app 1: Qmee

Qmee is very professional and will not give your information if you disqualify from a survey. They make sure that the survey providers are following the rules and not lying about how long a survey takes or disqualifying near the end of the survey. Also, you can cash out at PayPal instantly with any amount of money in your account. If you were driving around and ran out of gas, you could earn money on your phone and immediately get your Paypal balance, unlike most survey sites. signup to Qmee
App 2: Attapoll

Surveys can vary on here but they generally take less time on here from my experience compared to other sites. You can cash out after you earn 3$ instantly sent your Paypal. Sign up for Attapoll!!!
Bonus Apps
These apps wont make you much but they are quick and easy.
Bonus App one: Coinout

Coinout is a simple app where all you do is take a picture of a shopping receipt within 2 weeks of the purchase, and you can earn a few cents. The amount you earn is random, and you can submit basically any receipt. The app was even pitched on the show Shark Tank. Coinout
Bonus App two: Receipt Hog.

Similar to Coinout except this app offers a slot machine where if you submit receipts weekly or submit receipts from certain stores, you can earn spins to play a slot machine where you can win up to $100. Enter my code, and you’ll get 5 free spins. fred6558
Bonus app three: Shopkick.

With this app, you can earn by simply walking into stores and scanning items in the store. You don’t have to purchase anything; however, you can earn lots of cashback if you choose to purchase some items. You can cash out at $10 on PayPal, or there are lots of gift cards to choose from. Shopkick
Bonus app four: Get Upside

This app will give you cash back whenever you fill up gas in your car and you can cash out with Paypal at 1$ get upside ENTER MY CODE to get a extra bonus off per gallon on your first gas purchase. JACOB342329
These apps/sites are nice for making extra cash however, if you want to earn a much more significant amount of money click here!